On the mountain where after swimming they walk barefoot through meadows careful of saw grass and thorns Jessie and Ronnie whom everyone calls Euripides he makes up different stories now when someone asks to amuse Jessie who's heard a dozen different answers and this time when they're walking after swimming with two other girls and two other guys they've just met on the mountain he tells the guy
his father is Greek and that he Ronnie was conceived after his father read
The Bacchae
and was aroused to lust at the thought of all those beautiful Greek women running around naked in the mountains having orgies having sex with strangers with each other and when he says
each other
one of the guys stops him. He's older though it's hard to say how much because he's wearing sunglasses and his beard and wild long hair cover most of his face but his voice is older and he sounds like one of the locals a farmer or a mill worker and he says
ain't nothin' more disgustin' to me 'en that, ought to shoot the fuckin' bitches
which brings the conversation to an immediate halt so much bile in the one statement and Euripides says
listen we have to be heading
and the guy says
and flashes the V with his fingers and Euripides says
Peace, brother
and the guy says
Peace, brother
and they all say
and go their different ways.
Swim naked in mountain pools where after a while local guys would come to lurk on the edges, leer at first, some would mock but others would strip out of their clothes and join us grow their hair long try to read the books we read Marshall McLuhan Jack Kerouac Tom Robbins Thomas Pinchon J. R. Tolkein Carlos Castenedas. Every journey was unique, all politics were personal. We were all brothers and sisters: class, education, family background, race, religion, nationality, even genes, even genetics--all artificial barriers to the true cosmic unity, the oversoul, the animus mundi, the love that binds us all as one.