George Mason
Textual Media
Department: English
Institution: George Mason
Instructor: Lesley Smith and Dean Taciuch
Devoted to the critical reading of new media texts, and to the creation of technology-enriched texts in a variety of rhetorical genres targeted towards specific audiences. Readings include Manovich, Lanham, and Jackson's Patchwork Girl.
Georgetown University
A Bigger Place to Play: Text, Knowledge, and Pedagogy in the Electronic Age
Department: english: theory
Institution: Georgetown University
Instructor: Bass, Randy
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This course tackles such issues as: Resisting the Myths of the Electronic Frontier, What Are we Talking About When We're Talking About Electronic Texts?, Making Meaning in Hypertext and Electronic Texts, Databases as a Way of Organizing Knowledge, and Narrative, Inquiry, and Cultural Archives.
Students are required to create their own hypertexts. One (very interesting) student project, in a truly postmodern move, is a new hyper-textual syllabus
Georgia Tech
Department: computing: information architecture
Institution: Georgia Tech
Instructor: Dieberger, Andreas
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| Projects
The focus of this course is on visualization to facilitate browsing and querying of the WWW and other hyper-linked information spaces. The major emphasis is on visual "road maps" which show the relationships between pages or collections of pages. Such road maps may be literal or metaphorical: we will use wayfinding and metaphor literature to provide a grounding in these two concepts. We will identify typical navigational tasks so that various road maps can be evaluated on the basis of which task they support particularly well. Other topics include visualizations to present the result of queries, automatic generation of road maps, and experimental comparisons of various information space representations.
Georgia Techy
Interactive Narrative
Institution: Georgia Techy
Instructor: Michael Mateas
Interactive Narrative covers a wide range of practices including hypertext, interactive drama, videogames, literary interactive fiction, socially constructed narratives in multi-user spaces, and artificial intelligence-based story generation. Each of these approaches takes a different position on the relationship between interaction and narrative structure. This class, through a mixture of readings, discussion, and project work, will explore the theoretical positions, debates, and design issues arising from these different approaches.
Hypermedia: Some Technolgy, Some Implications
Institution: Grinnell
Instructor: Samuel A. Rebelsky
| Syllabus
In short, this semester we'll be working on building your skills in thinking, writing, reading, and speaking while studying hypermedia and considering its implications.
Harare Polytechnic (Zimbabwe)
Zimbabwean Ceramics
Department: art
Institution: Harare Polytechnic (Zimbabwe)
Instructor: Morrison, andrew
Students use hypertext tools to explore cultural, poltical ramifications of pottery tradition. Morrison's report on the course is one of the best papers yet published on hypertext pedagogy.
Non-linear Visual Thinking and the Lure of Interactivity
Department: art: new media
Institution: Harvard
Instructor: Weinbren, Grahame
| Syllabus
Department of Visual and Environmental Studies. The instructor writes that, "It is a studio course--students both look at work and produce pieces. We start with film and video, then move to printed texts. Hypertext works are next. Then we are move on to videogames, CDs, MOO-work, and artist installations."
Harvard University
From Text to Hypertext
Institution: Harvard University
Instructor: James C. Morrison
| Syllabus
"In the last part of the course we investigate the impact of emerging electronic media and follow the rise of hypertext and hypermedia, which seem to be challenging the cultural dominance of traditional print. We survey the historical development of newspapers and magazines, discuss the spillover effects of new media on book publishing, libraries, and educational institutions, and examine the political, social, legal, and economic issues raised by the growth of the World Wide Web. We explore whether new forms of non-sequential information retrieval, involving not only text but also graphics, sound, full-motion video, and teleconferencing, have the potential to enhance the synesthetic qualities of the “global village” first described by Marshall McLuhan. In exploring these issues we engage the current debate on the future of literacy in a multimedia age."
Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, München
SAGAs: Writing Interactive Fiction
Institution: Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, München
Instructor: Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, München
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Sagas: Writing Interactive Fiction course is aimed at furthering fiction writing skills for the interactive media market. sagas focuses on the most fundamental and creative level: the stage of developing storytelling ideas and organizing them into workable interactive concepts.
sagas is an ongoing cross-disciplinary project encouraging a professional knowledge transfer between the audio-visual industry and the interactive market.
Innovative, creative and team-oriented workshops address scriptwriters, directors, producers, artists and designers as well as developers, programmers, conceptors.
Illinois Central
Hyperfiction Studies
Department: English: literature
Institution: Illinois Central
Instructor: Strasma, Kip
Readings include City of Glass by Paul Auster, Grendel by John Gardner , Beloved by Toni Morrison , Victory Garden by Stuart Moulthrop , Afternoon, a story by Michael Joyce.
Illinois State
Department: English
Institution: Illinois State
Instructor: Jim Kalmbach
| Projects
We will study the history, theory, and practice of nonlinear writing and reading, focusing on the World Wide Web. During the semester, we will explore publishing on the web through a number of informal activities and three major projects. "Hypertext" is a class which focuses on the rhetoric and design of web sites. The emphasis is on creating attractive, clearly written, intuitively organized sites with easy-to-follow navigational schemes.
Illinois Wesleyan
Electronic Fiction
Department: English: writing
Institution: Illinois Wesleyan
Instructor: Chapman, Wes
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| Projects
First offered in 1993.
The instructor recalls that a "requirement in both courses was for each student to write a substantial hypertext of his or her own. I gave students the option of writing either a fiction (or poem) or a work of criticism... Interestingly, most students elected to write fictions--even students who had never written creatively before and had no particular interest in ever writing fiction again. Perhaps this simply says something about the need to bring storytelling into pedagogy in general, but I also feel that students were more attracted to writing hypertext fiction than they would have been to writing print fiction. I don't know how to explain this. Perhaps it has something to do with the sudden liberation from expected norms."
Information Architecture for the Web
Institution: Indiana
Instructor: Howard Rosenbaum
| Syllabus
Electric Rhetoric
Institution: Iowa
Instructor: D. Diane Davis
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A theoretical inquiry into the social, ethical, and political issues surrounding electronic texts, as well as a hands-on workshop devoted to the analysis and production of hypertexts and virtual worlds. Readings include Hypertext 2.0 and Patchwork Girl.
Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz
Women, Cyborgs, and Other Fictions
Department: English: Literature
Institution: Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz
Instructor: Rau, Anja
From Cyborg Manifesto to Patchwork Girl.
Kansas State University
Hypermedia for Educators: a Seminar
Department: education: instructional technology
Institution: Kansas State University
Instructor: McGrath, Dr. Diane
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This seminar is part of the Educational Computing, Design and Online Learning specialization for the new M.S. in Curriculum & Instruction, and the Ed.D. and Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction. It will serve as a place to learn enough HTML and multimedia for the Web to be able to publish decent educational Web sites
LaSalle University
Hypertexts, Cyberspace: Literature for the New Millenium
Department: English: Literature
Institution: LaSalle University
Instructor: Hines, Susan
A survey of a growing body of work, paper and electronic, that explores the influence of computer and information technologies on human beings and literary arts. Readings include DeLillo's White Noise, Gibson's Neuromancer, Murray's Hamlet on the Holodeck, as well as afternoon by Michael Joyce and Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson.
London South Bank University, UK
Writing for Media Arts
Department: Game Studies
Institution: London South Bank University, UK
Instructor: Harvey, Colin
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There is some very interesting academic stuff at London South Bank University in the UK. Colin Harvey currently runs the BA (Hons) Writing for Media Arts Degree and will shortly take control of the new BA (Hons) Game Cultures course. In addition to professional work as an interactive scriptwriter and journalist, Harvey is currently undertaking PhD research entitled "Towards A Cartography of the Video Game", which draws heavily on an interest and expertise in scriptwriting and narrative, framed in the context of the video game.
The Writing for Media Arts Degree is a 50% theory, 50% practice course primarily exploring scriptwriting and journalism writing practices from a critical theory viewpoint. In addition to units exploring theatre writing, print journalism, television and film writing, the history of writing practices and concepts of narrative, students undertake a twelve-week unit entitled Fractured Narratives. This explores non-sequential and interactive fiction writing for digital media in terms of practice and theory, but also looks at the development of the form in terms of its non-digital antecedents. Coursework explores everything from structures (e.g. branching, rhizome) through to the generation of character and dialogue in interactive fiction, looking at both more 'serious' drama and prose and also video games. A companion unit, entitled Disrupted Narratives, is available for students undertaking the BA (Hons) Digital Media Arts Degree, covering similar material from more of a design perspective.
Meanwhile, the new BA (Hons) Game Cultures Degree is intended to produce critical practitioners able to work in the games industry in roles such as levels designers, character artists, scriptwriters, audio producers and eventually producers. While the course is not aimed at programmers, students do undertake some elements of programming exploring such areas as game physics and modding, intended to enhance their overall understanding of game production processes. In the second year students undertake a unit entitled Storytime, which examines theoretical and practical approaches to the production of story within video game environments, looking at both the benefits and limitations of applying existing approaches to the theorisation and construction of narrative structures familiar from more 'conventional' narrative forms like cinema and theatre.
The Department of Arts, Media and English also offers a unique project-led MA programme, enabling students to undertake, in a part-time capacity, a large scale practice-based piece of work within the fields of moving image production, still image production, New Media, scriptwriting, journalism and arts management. Current work includes a game environment designed to enable dyslexic users to exploit lateral approaches to the negotiation of 3D space.
Useful URLs include the following:
Postmiodernity and Hypertext Fiction
Department: English
Institution: Louisville
Instructor: Jennifer Stimson
Most critics praise hypertext's emancipation of writer and reader from the bonds of linear narrative. Dissenting voices are beginning to argue, however, that hypertext has limits. They say that readers don't really have much freedom because their choices in the direction of the text are often uninformed, and they point out that what hypertext does do, printed texts have already done.
Introduction to College Writing
Department: English
Institution: Louisville
Instructor: Chris Torino
| Syllabus
Introduction to College Writing, incorporating modules on hypertext and Web writing.
Loyola University Chicago
Textuality in the Digital Age
Department: English: Literature
Institution: Loyola University Chicago
Instructor: Jones, Steven
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| Syllabus
This Honors Tutorial course was taught in the spring of 2003, at Loyola University of Chicago.
Loyola University chicago
Reading and Writing Texts and Hypertexts
Department: English: Literature, writing
Institution: Loyola University chicago
Instructor: Jones, Steven E.
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"In this course we'll read a number of literary works, in conventional print form as well as electronic form--as both plain texts and hypertexts.... We'll write a great deal in this class, usually in the hypertextual environment known as Storyspace. In this class, the idea is for all of us to experience the possibilites and problems of electronic textuality first hand, working togther to explore this new medium."
Lund University
The Current State of Literature
Institution: Lund University
Instructor: Andersson, Lars Gustaf
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"We have used Mr Landow's books and some Scandinavian articles on hypertexts. The Web sites I have used - in addition to the Eastgate sites - have been different Scandinavian sites, mostly concerning the academic use of hypertext (e. g. in critical editions of classical authors)."
Theory and Practice of Non-Linear and Interactive Narrative
Department: English: theory, writing
Institution: MIT
Instructor: Murray, Janet H.
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| Projects
This course has been offered since 1992. Formerly entitled, "Structure and Interpretation of Non-Linear and Interactive Narrative," it examines non-linear structure in traditional media like novels and films and as well as in computer-based stories and games. The course focuses on the aesthetics of the emerging art form of electronic narrative, including principles and techniques of segmentation, navigation, juxtaposition, encyclopedic storylines, and multiple points of view. Through critical readings and examples, students explore issues such as indeterminacy and closure, the positioning of the interactor, formulaic plot construction, and games as narrative structures. The course includes an annual contest for the most satisfying interactive character, many web-based assignments, and the creation of electronic stories using simple authoring systems and multimedia software tools. Students present and constructively critique one another's work in progress in a workshop setting aimed at expanding the representational powers of a new creative medium.
No programming experience is necessary.
Literature in a Wired World
Department: English
Institution: Maryland
Instructor: Leonardo Flores
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| Projects
Maryland, University of - @ College Park
Digital Studies
Department: English
Institution: Maryland, University of - @ College Park
Instructor: Kirschenbaum, Dr. Matthew G.
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Digital studies offers a set of critical, theoretical, pedagogical, and practical responses to speculation about the future of books, literature, and the academic humanities. The course is designed to be broadly relevant to students of texts, language, and literature, regardless of area or specialty. Major themes of the course will include: writing and/as technology; comparative studies of different genres and forms of new (and old) media; close readings of hypertext and cybertext literature; and the state of the art of digital projects and initiatives in the humanities today. We will also pay some attention to other topics, including: the digital divide and the politics of access; intellectual property and new media; the preservation of digital content (some forecast a looming “digital dark ages”); teaching and technology; and the role of digital technologies in addressing what is widely perceived as a crisis in scholarly publishing. The ultimate aim of the course is to equip students with the tools and ideas essential for graduate study in English in a world where the printed word is no longer an unrivaled textual form, as well as to lay practical and intellectual groundwork for students who wish to go on to pursue more advanced topics in digital studies (there are now academic jobs which list this as their primary area of specialization, both in English departments as well as various interdisciplinary programs).
Maryland, University of - @ College Park
Computer and Text
Department: English
Institution: Maryland, University of - @ College Park
Instructor: Kirschenbaum, Dr. Matthew G.
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| Projects
This course explores what one critic has recently called “cybertexts”: works of literature, primarily but not exclusively digital, that are meant to be played, navigated, and manipulated in addition to “read” in the conventional sense. Specific topics will include: procedural texts and their origins in the literary avant-garde (Dada and the Oulipo); interactive fiction; text-based virtual realities (MUDs and MOOs); writing and/as code; hypertext, both stand-alone formats and networked on the World Wide Web; literary games and simulations; and emergent literature or “smart” texts. We will read/play/explore works from all of these different genres and formats, and our discussions will focus on both identifying the cybertextual traits they have in common as well as discriminating each form’s unique achievements and significance. These discussions will be set within a broader consideration of textuality, including the question of what a text actually is—an old question which digital technologies now ask us to ask anew.
Key texts include:
• Espen Aarseth, Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature (Johns Hopkins, 1997). ISBN: 0901855799.
• Michael Joyce, Afternoon: A Story (Eastgate Systems, Macintosh or PC). ISBN: 1884511015.
• Ellen Ullman, The Bug (Doubleday, 2003). ISBN: 0385508603.
Victorian Literature
Department: Education
Institution: Michigan/Dearborn
Instructor: Smith, Jonathan
In a fascinating paper in Teaching Literature with Computers, Smith describes in detail two advanced-level courses that made extensive use of Storyspace, The Dickens Web, and The In Memoriam Web: Is There a Hypertext In This Class? and Teaching Victorian Literature in the Electronic Age. Much fascinating detail, including accounts of how student writing was changed by hypertext reading assignments, difficulties that students encountered, and student responses.
Middlebury College
Instructional Tech, Blogs @ Middlebury College
Institution: Middlebury College
Instructor: Ganley, Barbara
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| Projects
Barbara Ganley, a recent presenter at Blogtalk 2, has been blogging for three years at Middlebury College in literature and writing courses, along with students. Right now the blogs are in the process of transferring from Manila to Movable Type and so if you are looking around the MT sites, they'll be a little spare.
With colleague, Hector Vila, Ganley has presented some of the edublogging at NERCOMP, at an International Writing and Technology Conference in Britain, at NITLE and at college-sponsored workshops, and at BLOGGERCON.
Ganley's personal teaching blog:
Recent course blogs: (Manila versions)
- (co-writing a paper with colleagues on edublogging)
The Human and the Machine: American Philosophy and the Making of the Cyborg
Department: theory
Institution: Middlebury College
Instructor: Vila, Hector
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This course examines a variety of issues, including:
- Why is technology such a powerful component of American society?
- How is it that American society leads all others in technological innovation?
- What is it about American culture that has enabled the evolution of technology?
- What is the relationship between our fascination for the machine and our endemic self-reliance?
We have been transforming rapidly--into e-culture: computers, universal carriers of media, new media, on demand, and we have been rethinking new categories, new ways of being. Or is it Beings?
Is this notion of the new fundamentally American--a force that hungers for faster and faster and fresher and more novel forms of technology? If so, where does it come from, this force? And what pressure-- anxiety?--does it place on us?
This is a writing course--but it uses writing as an inquiry into these questions, trying to determine our relationship to the machines we've created for our benefit--so we think. The course investigates the rebirth of text, our fixation with both order and chaos, and our very fast move(ment) towards becoming one with the machines we use--the manifestation of the cyborg.
Minnesota, University of
Hypertext Fiction & Theory
Department: English: Literature
Institution: Minnesota, University of
Instructor: Raley, Rita
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We will discuss the theoretical and cultural antecedents of hypertext; the nostalgia and yearning for the presence promised by The Book; the tropes and figures of electronic culture; the epistemological and stylistic shifts of hypertextual narrative; and the problem of literary value in the Information Age. Readings (online, print, and electronic) include Michael Joyce, Stuart Moulthrop, J. Yellowlees Douglas, Shelley Jackson, Matthew Miller, Vannevar Bush, Nicholas Negroponte, Jay Bolter, George Landow, Greg Ulmer, Sven Birkerts, Neil Gaiman, Gibson, Haraway, Foucault, Barthes, Lyotard, Baudrillard, Hillis Miller, John Beverley, Alan Liu, Manuel Castells, Friedrich Kittler, and N. Katherine Hayles.
Minnesota, University of - College of Liberal Arts
Hypertext and spatial consciousness
Department: English
Institution: Minnesota, University of - College of Liberal Arts
Instructor: Karen Steigman
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See Karen Steigman, "how hypertext is politicized."
Missouri, University of
Hypertext in Theory and Practice
Department: English: Literature
Institution: Missouri, University of
Instructor: Materer, Timothy
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| Syllabus
"This seminar will study a number of works that anticipate and parallel the development of hypertext: T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, Pound's Cantos, selected poems of Marianne Moore, and Susan Howe's The Nonconformist s Memorial. In addition to essays by these poets, we will read hypertext theorists such as Moulthrop, Jay David Bolter, and Nancy Kaplan and investigate the many poetry sites on the WWW. Seminar papers must be hypertexts."
Hypertext Design Studio
Department: English
Institution: NJIT
Instructor: Chris Funkhouser
| Projects
In the current historical and creative moment, the WWW is the most convenient hypertext platform. Since there are other programs and avenues for hypertext, however, you are not limited to creating Web-based documents.
National University (US)
Tale, Text, and Hypertext
Department: Communication
Institution: National University (US)
Instructor: Michael McAnear
An introduction to the range of theories analyzing the evolution of linguistic communication technologies, from oral to written to computer-based. Examines the consequences of these developments for culture, literature, science, politics, pedagogy and identity. Pays particular attention to the uses and effects of networked texts and hypertexts. Includes a project where students prepare hypertexts that can be "published" on the Internet.
National University Singapore
Cyberspace, Hypertext & Critical Theory
Department: English
Institution: National University Singapore
Instructor: George P. Landow
- Cyberspace. Cyberpunk, and Simulated Worlds
- Cyborg Bodies, Virtual Bodies
- Virtual Worlds/Virtual Politics/Virtual Narratives
Nevada Las Vegas
History and New Media
Department: History
Institution: Nevada Las Vegas
Instructor: Gregory S. Brown
| Syllabus
This course, which fulfills the University Core Curriculum Technology Requirement for History majors, is intended to introduce students to the use of digital, interactive, and computational technologies in the discipline of History - meaning research, pedagogy and public history.
New School
Hypertext Poetry and Fiction
Department: hypertext: composition, literature
Institution: New School
Instructor: Kendall, Robert
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A remote-learning class, offered through the Internet and taught by Eastgate writer Robert Kendall, author of A Life Set For Two. The class is taught entirely on-line and is open to anyone with access to the Web. Students learn about hypertext literature and create their own work in either Storyspace or HTML. Each class includes on-line guest "appearances" by two notable figures in hypertext literature, and each term the class studies a hypertext by one of these guests. The class has been running since 1995 and is offered every spring and fall, and often in the summer. New York Magazine selected it as one of "The City's Best Classes for Adults."
Alumni include Deena Larsen, author of Marble Springs, Bill Bly, author of We Descend, Rosemary Passantino, and many other notable hypertext writers.
Advanced Hypertext Poetry and Fiction
Institution: New School
Instructor: Robert Kendall
New School Online
New Directions in Poetry and Fiction
Institution: New School Online
Instructor: Rober Kendall
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This workshop encourages students to try something new in their writing, to push against conventional limitations. We explore unusual literary territory, such as the borderland between poetry and fiction. We look at hybrid forms that combine writing with visual art or performance. We turn to new expressive possibilities opened up by the Internet. We consider how literature can profitably take on the trappings of games, divination systems, or other "nonliterary" activities. Whatever your interests and your writing style, you may find that taking a few risks can breathe new life into your work. The focus is on student writing, but we also discuss a variety of works that can serve as models and inspiration. This class is conducted entirely online through the New School Online University. Students can participate from nearly anywhere in the world by logging onto the New School's electronic campus via the World Wide Web. All that's required is a computer and Internet access.
New York University
Electron Lit: Hypertext Fiction and Poetry
Department: English: Literature
Institution: New York University
Instructor: Bly, Bill
Bill Bly writes "The dawn of the computer age has seen the emergence of a new genre of literature, hypertext - non-linear fiction and poetry created specifically to be read on a computer. Hypertext literature comes in all shapes and sizes, from Judy Malloy's Its Name Was Penelope, a small (196 kilobytes) stand-alone poetry collection, to John McDaid's Uncle Buddy's Phantom Funhouse, which comes in a box containing five floppy disks, two cassette tapes, a sheaf of publisher's page proofs, and a "Getting Started" manual.
"In this class, students will explore several examples of hypertext literature, make a semi-formal presentation of a published hypertext they have read, write and present a formal paper on an important issue in the field, and contribute to the development of a World Wide Web site for the class. In addition, on-line conferences will be held with two hypertext authors, to discuss their experiences in the "real world" of hypertext, and to answer student questions."
From Printing Press to Hypertext
Institution: Nipissing
Instructor: Grant Williams
for Early Modern Worlds: New Worlds
Northern State University
Hypertext Writing
Department: English
Institution: Northern State University
Instructor: Andrzej Duszenko
Our goal in this course is to learn the basics of hypertext markup language (HTML) and to put it to practical use in designing, creating and publishing a hypertext writing project (a Web site).
Old Dominion
Electronic Writing
Department: English: Theory
Institution: Old Dominion
Instructor: Brooke, Collin G.
This course is an introduction to some of the social and institutional issues surrounding electronic writing (including hypertext). We used Eastgate Quarterly Review 2.4 and read some of Mark Bernstein's work (Patterns and Hypertext Gardens) in addition to some of the traditional stuff (Lanham, Birkerts, Steven Johnson, Ilana Snyder)."
Open University of Catalonia
Digital Journalism
Department: English: Journalism
Institution: Open University of Catalonia
Instructor: Gil, Quim
| email
The Open University of Catalonia announces an on-line postgraduate course, "Digital Journalism." The course will be held in Spanish; registration is open to anyone, anywhere. For more information, contact Quim Gil (
Paris 8
Departement Hypermedia
Department: French
Institution: Paris 8
Instructor: Clément, Jean
| Syllabus
| Projects
A degree program and curriculum for hypermedia. The website includes a guide to Storyspace in French.
Audio for Electric Media
Institution: Pratt
Instructor: Chris Stewart
This course should prepare you for adding professional quality audio to all media formats. It will provide you with portfolio-ready content that will play a vital role in your caqreer objectives or further studies.
Eastgate Academic Compendium
Courses in hypertext theory, in writing hypertext, on hypertext literature, and on the design and implementation of hypertext tools are taught throughout the world, from elementary school through graduate studies.
We hope that this compendium of hypertext courses will give students and instructors, now and in the future, a better sense of what has been done elsewhere and what might be accomplished, and to facilitate communication among everyone interested in studying and teaching hypertext.
These notes describe courses, past and present, of which we have heard. We apologize for errors and inaccuracies. Please send corrections and additions to
Hypertext in Courses
This is a list of frequently asked questions about the use of Hypertext in a classroom setting.
Can I assign hypertexts to my classes?
Yes. Eastgate's hypertexts are assigned texts in classes throughout the world. The most common subject areas are modern literature, writing, and hypertext design, but hypertexts have been part of courses ranging from Computer Science to Sociology.
Can my school's bookstore order hypertexts for my students?
Yes. Eastgate works with school and college bookstores throughout the world. We're also happy to accept orders from instructors, groups of students, or individual students.
Can our reading group explore hypertexts?
Yes. If your group has ten or more members, we can often arrange special discounts.
Can you help arrange for guest lectures?
We can are happy to help arrange lectures, readings, hypertext signings, and workshops. Please call for ideas, or email .
Can we license hypertexts for our computer classrooms?
Yes. Special licenses are available for 10 or 100 simultaneous users, or for unlimited use within a library or campus.
Are multi-user licenses expensive?
No. Prices vary, but for many titles a 10-user license costs just $59.85.
What about libraries?
Libraries throughout the world collect Eastgate hypertexts. Hypertexts can circulate like books, and can be placed on reserve if demand is high. Multi-user licenses are inexpensive, so it is easy to meet the demands of large classes. Additional information on hypertext in libraries.