Eastgate Systems      Serious Hypertext
Hypertext Calendar      

Tell us about your event! We're eager to learn of all events of interest to the hypertext community. Send announcements to info@eastgate.com.

Current and Upcoming events can be found here.


June 9-13, 1999
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Joint Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing

Digital Libraries for Humanities Scholarship and Teaching. http://www.iath.virginia.edu/ach-allc.99/cfp.html

May 26-June 2, 1999
Denver, Colorado, USA

This focused event is designed to push both hypertexts and hypertext tools to new levels. Writers and system designers will meet in an intense, round-the-clock workshop. An ambitious international MOO will conclude the workshop, with satellite conferences in Norway and Australia. Participation is by invitation (and places are scarce); for information, contact Deena Larsen.

29-31 March 1999
University of Luton, UK
Creativity and Consumption: New Media Arts in Advanced Technology Culture

computers and creativity
the human-machine interface
dead media and science fiction
'interactivity' and cultural practices
the aesthetics and politics of new media practices
implications of the 'new media age' for cultural institutions
distribution, exhibition and the audience
preservation and access
copyright, ownership and economic models

For information, email CREATIVITY@luton.ac.uk

22-24 March, 1999
Sydney, Australia
Australasian Online Documentation Conference
February 21-25, 1999
Darmstadt, Germany
Hypertext '99

The premier hypertext conference. Conference home page

December 12-13, 1998
Helsinki, Finland
The Seventh International Workshop on Hypertext Functionality

The Seventh International Workshop on Hypertext Functionality (HTF 7) will focus on organizational memory systems and hypertext functionality. The meeting will be held on December 12-13, 1998 at the University of Helsinki preceding ICIS '98. This one-and-half- day event provides a forum for discussing research contributions addressing the problems of supporting hypertext functionality in organizational memory systems. The workshop encourages a cross- disciplinary approach to questions at hand. The aim is to have representatives from all relevant research and development areas, and to promote discussion on topics of mutual interest. The workshop is expected to be discussion-oriented, though some paper presentations and plenaries may be organized. For the full CFP, see http://www.tol.oulu.fi/~hok/htf7/cfp.htm

November 7-12, 1998
Orlando, Florida, USA
W e b N e t 98: World Conference Of The Www, Internet & Intranet

"A multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of information on the development, applications, and research on all topics related to the Web. This encompasses the use, applications and societal and legal aspects of the Internet in its broadest sense." Organized by AACE-Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Information.

October 30-31, 1998
Columbia, South Carolina, USA

The ghost of halloween's yet to come, and the collision of book and screen, a two day symposium with Robert Coover, Michael Joyce, Jay David Bolter, Mark Bernstein, Stephanine Strickland, Mark Amerika, and a host of leading hypertext writers. Information

------------------------------------------------------ October 8-11, 1998
University of Maryland, College Park MD

The Center for Renaissance and Baroque Studies and the Committee for Creative Humanities Applications in the New Technologies (CHANT) at the University of Maryland, in conjunction with the statewide Celebration of the Arts, is issuing a call for contributions to an interdisciplinary conference for an audience of university faculty and students, K-12 faculty and administrators, artists, museum curators, archivists, and the interested public.

Proposal Deadline: December 1, 1997
email: crbs@umail.umd.edu
web: http://www.inform.umd.edu/CRBS

September 17-20, 1998
Crested Butte, Colorado, USA
Digital Storytelling IV

A gathering of multimedia producers, artists, visionaries, and writers dedicated to the discovery of the future of storytelling. Speakers include Mark Bernstein, Abbe Don, Justin Hall, Brenda Laurel, and many others. Information

September 9-12, 1998
Glasgow, UK
Digital Resources for the Humanities

The internationally recognised forum for all those involved in and benefiting from the digitisation of our common cultural heritage: the scholar producing or using an electronic edition; the teacher using digital media in the seminar room; the publisher finding ways to reach new markets; the librarian, curator, art historian, or archivist wishing to improve both access to and conservation of the digital information that characterises contemporary culture and scholarship.

Email enquiries. Information: http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/HATII/DRH98/

Important dates:
Submission deadline: March 15th, 1998
Notice of acceptance: April 15th, 1998

August 1-3,1998
London, England
Cultural Attitudes Toward Technology and Communication '98

Diverse cultural attitudes towards technology and communication also issue in culturally distinctive ways of implementing and using CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) technologies. Some of these culturally-grounded differences in implementation and use frustrate, rather than facilitate, hopes for greater global communication. How do diverse cultural attitudes shape the implementation and use of CMC technologies?

July 12-16,1998
Orlando, Florida, ISA
SCI'98: Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics A large and broad research conference, seeking papers in hypertext. Call for Participation.
June 5, 1998
Basking Ridge, NJ, USA
Human Factors and the Web

These conferences focus on web design and usability. Presentations can take a variety of approaches, including reports on empirical work, discussions of design and evaluation methods, or reflections on what we have learned about designing for the web.

The featured topic for this conference is "Our Global Community." We will have a panel on "Internationalization of the Web: How Do We Design for the Globe?" that will discuss issues such as formats, languages, cultures, content, the effect of English on the web, and the U.S. dominance of the global web.

June 20-24, 1998
Pittsburgh PA USA
Hypertext '98
The Ninth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia

This is the premier hypertext research conference, indispensable, accessible, and always fascinating. Attended annually by a fascinating mixture of scientists, engineers, and literary people, this conference always features a very selective and thoughtful program.

Conference information is available at the Hypertext '98 web site with or its European mirror.

June 23-26, 1998
Pittsburgh, PA
Digital Libraries '98 - The Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries

Held immediately following Hypertext '98, Digital Libraries '98 will provide a common setting for researchers, practicing professionals and students to share experiences and to present results about system construction, human-computer interaction, hypertext, information retrieval, digital librarianship, digital identifiers and many other topics related to the field of digital libraries.

July 1-3, 1998
Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts
Liverpool, UK

In addition to academic specialists in areas such as Art Theory and History, Cultural/Media Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, and Literature, we would like to invite artists, technologists, art critics, art teachers as well as interested members of the public to take part in this conference. Indeed, one of our main aims is to create discussion among these different groups about art and technology in the age of information.

email: mna13@keele.ac.uk
www: http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/stt/cstt2/tg/

July 1-3, 1998
Paris, France
First International Conference On Virtual Worlds

VW'98 hopes to extend the scientific community by encouraging contributions from people involved in technical, philosophical and art related to the conception, design or applications of virtual worlds.

June 20-25, 1998
Freiburg, Germany
Ed-Media and Ed-Telecom 98

World conference on educational multimedia and hypermedia. Conference home page.

June 18-21, 1998
Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Learning On Line '98: Building the Virtual University

Invited speakers include Michael Joyce on: "Othermindedness: Networked Learning and Post-Hypertextuality", Mark Poster (UC-Irvine) on: "Digital and Analogue Authors, or, What's the Matter with the Internet?", and N. Katherine Hayles. Information.

May 17-20, 1998
Anaheim, CA, USA
ITCC: International Conference on Technical Communication

Sponsored by the Society for Technical Communication, this conference is huge and the program vast. Quality of papers can be inconsistent, but an abundance of case studies and empirical research on hypertext can usually be found. More information.

April 30, 1998
call for papers

The journal Convergence is seeking research papers about journalism and new media technologies. Submit original research on topics related to the effects of changes in information delivery systems on news or on news workers, organisations and audiences. In addition, contributions to a debates section, features reports, and reviews of books or other materials on the same range of topics also are sought.

The deadline for research manuscripts is 30 April, 1998.
email: Convergence@luton.ac.uk

April 19-20, 1998
Los Angeles, California, USA
CHI98 Workshop: Theoretical Foundations of Hypermedia Design, Use & Evaluation Call for Participation
April 18-23, 1998
Los Angeles, California, USA

CHI 98: ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction

April 14, 1998
Brisbane, Australia
Workshop: Hypertext functionality and the WWW

Issues related to the incorporation of advanced hypertext functionality into web-based applications. More information.

April 14-18, 1998
Brisbane, Australia
WWW7: 7th International World Wide Web Conference

Speakers will include Cathy Marshall, Tim Berners-Lee, and Paul Saffo. Conference information.

April 1-3, 1998
St. Malo, France
EP98, the 7th International Conference on Electronic Publishing

1) Keynote addresses on The Web Accessibility Intiative ( Daniel Dardailler), Two Decades of Typographic Research at URW: a Retrospective (Peter Karow), Intelligent Paper (Marc Dymetman and Max Copperman) and Time-sensitive Publishing of Financial Analysis Reports (Francois Chahuneau) . information via the Web: http://www.irisa.fr/ep98/ or via e-mail: ep98@irisa.fr.

March 31, 1998
Submission Deadline: Cyberstar 98 Prize

The Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Cologne, and GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology, Sankt Augustin, will present the Cyberstar in 1998 for the second time. Shared Visions - Cyberstar 98 supports cooperation between artists, designers, media and computer experts. Innovative concepts for interactive scenarios in the categories television, internet and stage will be awarded. Entries presenting for example virtual communities, virtual classrooms or avatar performance worlds shall reflect and develop "Shared Visions".

An international jury will meet in May 1998 and will decide upon monetary awards a total of DM 35.000. Furthermore, the main price will include a work term of several month at GMD to develop the submitted concept. For information see http://www.wdr.de/cyberstar or email: cyberstar@wdr.de .

March 26-28, 1998
Portland, Oregon, USA
Associated Writing Programs Conference

Home page. Hypertext panels include: "Hypertext and the Internet: An Introduction" with hypertext authors Ed Falco (A Dream With Demons), Robert Kendall (A Life Set for Two), and Stephanie Strickland (True North; forthcoming from Eastgate); "Where I'm Calling From: Online Creative Writing Courses" will include hypertext writers Robert Kendall and Robert Arellano ; "Beyond the Poetry Wars: Are Formal, Free, Confessional, Political, Language, & Computer Poetry Really Incompatible?" with Charles O. Hartman.

March 23, 1998
Lexington, MA, USA
Cracking the Code: Using Metadata to Tame Information

With content multiplying at an exponential rate, classification intelligence, especially subject classification, must be applied to voluminous search results assembled from disparate sources, in order to organize collections of data for users. Metadata, which is data about data, is a way to translate a concept or relationship within one architecture and subject organization, into the usage and context of a second, often unrelated, system or collection.

Is metadata the solution to the chaos of the World Wide Web and large data repositories? Meta-tags, akin to MARC field tags, carry additional information, whether inserted in the HTML coding of a Web page, or used to drive relationships within a data warehouse. Will metadata change the way librarians and users find, catalog, and archive electronic information? Who is creating standards, and who can we influence in the process? How do electronic publishers use metadata? Will knowing the "innards" of large data repositories help us cope? What is the future of metadata?

March 10-14, 1998
Washington, D.C., USA

The annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Techer Education includes a strand on hypertext and hypermedia. Web site.

March 5, 1998
MIT, Cambridge MA, USA
The Aesthetics of Transition 3: 'Aesthetics, Identitites, Information'

Thryza Goodeve (NYU) and Steven Johnson (Feed magazine). information: thorburn@MIT.EDU

March 5, 1998
Submission deadline: WebNet 98.
February 25-26, 1998
Darmstadt, Germany
First International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings

The concept of a "Cooperative Building" suggests a setting made to foster human collaboration and communication. While it serves the purpose of cooperation it is at the same time "cooperative" towards its inhabitants. A Cooperative Building is an environment, which offers the people who live and work in and around it, special and unprecedented facilities for communication and cooperation purposes. It adapts dynamically as working conditions or technological conditions change.

Topics of interest include
- hypermedia/ multimedia information systems
- new forms of human-computer interaction
- multimedia conferencing
- electronic meeting rooms
- interactive electronic walls
- things that think
and many others.

February 22, 1999
San Francisco, New York, Tel Aviv, and other sites world wide
The Digital Story Bee(tm) and Bubbe's Back Porch

It all started with people esking me how I do what I do. How do I tell stories? How do I get other people to tell me stories? How does an old lady like me know so much about the mysteries of this here World Wide Web? What gets me out of bed in the morning?

Also, people esk me to do big family histories for them. I'm not against the idea, but frankly, it's more interesting to me to teach people how to do what I do, than to do it for them. Of course, if you want to pay me a lot of cash, then maybe we can work something out.

So the Digital Story Bee(tm) is a free, three-hour workshop where people come together with a couple of family photographs and tell each other stories, face to face, in a nice circle, a bit like an old quilting bee. Each Digital Story Bee(tm) has a theme to keep everybody on the same page. Then, you shmooze a little, see a little demonstration of how all this technology works.

You get your own URL (web address) that you can give out to your friends and family. You also get a little taste of the joys of family storytelling and realize that this web stuff is not so complicated. And I'll tell you more than you need to know (only if you want) so you can keep going on your own.

Hope to see you there,
contact: Abbe Don, abbe@abbedon.com.

February 20, 1998
COMPUTERS & TEXTS 16: Call for Articles and Reviews

Articles and reviews are invited for the next issue of Computers & Texts, the newsletter of CTI Textual Studies. Articles may concern any aspect of the use of computers in literature, linguistics, theology, classics, philosophy, film studies, theatre arts and drama.

Articles should not normally exceed 2,500 words and reviews should be between 800-1,500 words. Submissions may be made by electronic mail to ctitext@oucs.ox.ac.uk or mike.fraser@oucs.ox.ac.uk.

February 12, 1998
MIT, Cambridge MA
Art and Entertainment in Periods of Transition. Panelists will discuss the ways the arts have responded to periods of transition caused by dramatic shifts in technological resources. Media to be discussed include comic strips, early cinema, television, and digital media. David Jay Bolter. Scott Bukkatman, Richard A. Grusin, Henry Jenkins, David Thorburn. information: thorburn@MIT.EDU
February 4, 1998
Newport Beach, California, USA
Marjorie Luesebrink reads from Califia

Marjorie Luesebrink will read from her hypertext novel, Califia, at the Newport Beach Public Library at 7 PM. Califia is forthcoming from Eastgate. For information, call Tracy Keys, (714) 717-3890.

January 15, 1998

Hypertext 98: Papers due. Proposals for Panels, Briefings, Workshops, and Courses are due.

January 6-9, 1998
San Francisco, CA
Intelligent User Interfaces

December 27-30, 1997
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
MLA: Modern Language Association

Several sessions will be held in cooperation with the Association for Computing in the Humanities. Especially relevant to hypertext are sessions on Computers and Theory and on Spatial and Geometric Metaphors for Text.

A convenient overview of other relevant sessions is here.

December 15-17, 1997
San Diego, CA
Visual '97: 2nd Intl. Conference on Visual Information Systems

December 9, 1997
Redlands, California, USA
Three Readings of Hypertext

Marjorie Luesbrink, author of the forthcoming hypertext novel Calfia will speak at the University of Redlands. For more information (909)335-5103.

December 1, 1997

proposals due for State of The Arts.

November 25, 1997
Detroit, MI
NCTE 1997 Workshop: "Getting Started With and Getting More Out of the Internet"

An all-day workshop on using hypertext and internet tools for teaching English, including extensive discussion of the use of Storyspace for analyzing prose and poetry, for tracking research sources, and for "mindmapping" papers. Facilitators include Dene Grigar, John Barber, Eric Branscomb, Rod Winters, and Geoff Wickersham. At the Detroit Public Library, 9:30-4:00.

November 20, 1997
New York, NY, USA
Dinosaur or Human Necessity? Narrative in the Age of Information

Noted hypertext critic N. Katherine Hayles speaks at the Guggenheim Museum, Soho. 7pm.

November 14-16, 1998
Providence, RI, USA
Text Encoding Initiative
10th Anniversay Conference

Registration and Program available at http:www.stg.brown.edu/webs/tei10.

To commemorate the tenth anniversary of its founding, the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) is sponsoring its first user conference, to be held 14-16 November 1997 at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

The TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange were published in spring of 1994. They provide an extensive SGML-based scheme for encoding electronic texts across a wide spectrum of text types and suitable for any kind of application. The Guidelines have already achieved wide-scale implementation in projects throughout North America and Europe.

The TEI conference will bring together users of the TEI Guidelines in order to share ideas, experiences, and expertise, provide a forum for technical discussion and evaluation of the Guidelines as they have been implemented across a variety of applications. A portion of the conference will also be devoted to consideration of the future of the TEI.

For information, contact Elli Mylonas, elli_mylonas@brown.edu.

November 11, 1997
submission deadline for First Internaltional Workshop on Cooperative Buildings.
November 6, 1997
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Virtual Communities: Questions, Theories, Opportunities

A panel discussion, followed by dialogue with the audience. Among the speakers: Amy Bruckman, founder of MediaMOO,a virtual site for media researchers, and MOOSE Crossing, designed as a learning environment for children; Marc A. Smith, co-editor, Communities in Cyberspace; Barry Wellman, Professor of Sociology, University of Toronto; and Howard Rheingold, author of The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. more information here

October 29, 1998
Providence, Rhode Island
A Cybergraph on Lingua Franca

Alan Corre
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
7:00 pm, Wednesday Oct. 29 1996
STG Conference Room (Grad Center, Tower E)

Professor Corre recently published on the World Wide Web "A Glossary of Lingua Franca." Based on the only previously published vocabulary of the language (Marseilles, 1830) and words culled by him from Jewish Arabic texts it tries to restore the vocabulary of this unwritten language which was in use around the Mediterranean for hundreds of years before it disappeared almost totally under the onslaught of French, which was then the major language of international and polite communication. He will discuss the development of this project, and how he came to publish it without a shred of paper. The cybergraph may be seen at http://www.uwm.edu/^corre/franca/go.html .
--for information--

October 24
Denver, Colorado USA
Mile-Hi Con

Hypertext demonstrations and Storyspace writing labs have become entrenched in the Denver Sci-Fi community. Deena Larsen will demonstrate hypertexts and Storyspace both Saturday and Sunday, October 24 and 25 at the Mile Hi Con. This annual con will be at the Sheraton Hotel (4th and Union). If you're in the neighborhood, please drop by.

October 23, 1997

Submission deadline for Ed-Media 98.

October 24-5, 1997
Cambridge, MA, USA
Transformations of the Book

The conference will consider the ways in which digital technologies are transforming traditional literary and humanistic materials. Pioneering scholars and designers will demonstrate hypertext and web-based projects involving some of the landmark texts and materials of humanist culture. The event will cover a fascinating range: from classical literature, Chaucer and Shakespeare to Hitchcock's films. Other presentations will center on the visual arts, and on Friday evening two leading hypertext fiction writers, Michael Joyce and Shelley Jackson, will discuss their work and the future of the cyber-novel. Other speakers include Peter Robinson, co-editor of the Canterbury Tales Project; Jerome McGann, Director of the Rosetti hypermedia archive at the University of Virginia; Robert Stein, founder of the Voyager Company, leading producer of serious CD ROM and videodisc materials; and William J. Mitchell, author of The Reconfigured Eye and Dean of MIT's School of Architecture and Planning.

The complete schedule, brief sketches of the participants and a registration form are available on the "Media in Transition" web site.

You may also register by sending email to Ann Rowbotham (annr@mit.edu), listing name, address, email address and your plans for attending on a single day or for the entire conference. There is no charge for registration.


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