Eastgate Systems     Serious Hypertext

Thea and Harley

Thea knows that Veronica's been sleeping with Harley Morgan. Harley who, back in another set of scufflings, was her own lover for more than a year. Did Veronica know about that, and would it mean anything to her? It went back almost a decade.

She remembers how Harley was then: high-strung and full of rage, his moods all edges and angles. It was his first tour in Washington and he was catching on fast. He was learning the trade and at the same time how much he hated it. She was in the early days of her divorce then, doing consulting on the Hill and thinking about a law degree.

Sex, when they managed it, ended up paradoxical. Harley was patient, attentive, very clever with his hands. Thea was usually all those things and more, but in those days she was abstracted, still too heavily committed to her own defenses. Harley wanted to innovate and improvize; Thea just wanted to get down to it, finish more or less together, have a cigarette.

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