Upgrade from any previous version of Tinderbox. $98
Tinderbox 10.1.2 for Macintosh. $289
Every facet of Tinderbox has been re-imagined and re-implemented for Tinderbox Six. Two years of hard work went into the new design, capped off by 101 development releases. What’s new? Everything! Here are some highlights.
Attribute Browser
An all-new major view lets you examine your entire document, or any section of it, in entirely new ways.

Tabbed Windows
Instead of juggling lots of separate windows, Tinderbox tabs let you switch instantly among different views of your work. Open new windows, too, whenever you like.

Beautiful New Maps
Crisp new Tinderbox maps gain fresh shapes and new refinement. Dozens of new badges are built into Tinderbox Six, and Tinderbox now supports adding your own badge families.

Built For Big Jobs
Tinderbox has always been eager to support complex projects that grow and change, projects that last months or years. Tinderbox Six takes full advantage of powerful modern computers, working hard in the background while remaining attentive to your ideas. Tinderbox Six handles big projects with unequaled confidence.
You’ll never have to wait for agents to update; agents use their own processor. Tinderbox now offers built-in support for addresses and ISBNs, anticipating your needs when working with places and books. Scroll through large outlines with buttery smoothness.
Direct and Intuitive
Tinderbox Six is more direct and intuitive than ever. From the powerful Inspector to the new flexible Get Info popover and the wonderful new text engine, you’ll get more done with less distraction.
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Tinderbox for you, for your team, or your enterprise. Plus upgrades, The Tinderbox Way, and more. Order here.