
Tinderbox 7.3

Tinderbox helps you visualize, analyze, and share your ideas. Download and try it.

Tinderbox 7.3


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Tinderbox 10.1.0 for Macintosh. $289

On The Go

When you’re not at your desk, you still need to take notes. Tinderbox 7.3 adds lots of new ways to capture notes easily from other computers, your iPad, or your phone.

Watch Your Notes

A Tinderbox document can now watch a folder on your Notes app, automatically fetching notes you wrote on other machines, on your iPad, or on your iPhone. You can even tell Siri to add a note to your Tinderbox as you drive.

Watch sheet.jpg

Just choose a Notes folder you’d like this Tinderbox to watch, and press OK.


Tinderbox imports your notes, gives them a prototype to help you organize them, and keeps an eye on your Notes folder for new notes.

Watch Evernote

You can also watch a folder in your Evernote notes, automatically gathering new notes into the appropriate document.

DEVONthink On The Go

Want to watch a DEVONthink group? Just enter the group’s URL in a top-level note’s DEVONthinkGroup attribute and Tinderbox does the rest.

Use DEVONthink On The Go on your iPhone or iPad to capture notes, and see your changes appear automatically in Tinderbox.

Dropbox, iCloud, and Finder folders

Would you prefer to keep things simple? Tinderbox documents can now watch any Finder folder, local or remote, and automatically gather notes into your Tinderbox documents. Import plain and rich text, Word, Markdown, structured outlines, OPML, and lots more.

Lots more, too!

Multi-column outlines scroll horizontally, letting you build huge tables. Maps get better adornments. Outlines get more speed. Text windows with dark backgrounds look better. Forty-eight additional improvements you can see — and lots of improved infrastructure you can’t. See the release notes of detail!

Still Fresh: Tinderbox 7.2

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