This page features demonstrations and discussions of Tinderbox. Some are contributed by Tinderbox users, others were created at Eastgate, and still others record Tinderbox events and discussions. Contributions are very welcome!
Also of interest: these recordings of Tinderbox meetups can be very useful indeed.
An excellent new series of short, topical videos produces by the Tinderbox Meetup team is available in the Tinderbox Forum.
Using Tinderbox to plan a complex event, from preliminary brainstorming to spatial and temporal planning.
Using Tinderbox to research a local policy question. Dancing maps, hyperbolic view, and prototypes.
“As a scholar, I must develop an academic process that I can trust for the gnarly problems I’m thrown (or more likely, that I create for myself). To develop this process, I have sought to understand how others discover articles, read them, take notes about them, reference those notes, and write something original and creative as a result.
Nearly 45 minutes of walkthrough follows in the following four Youtube videos.
Creating a Post-it® Note Themed Brainstorming Space in Tinderbox
Using zettelkasten and Tinderbox to document a literature review.
Turning Reading Notes Into A Tinderbox Map
Philosopher Dominique Renauld has produced a fascinating series of short films on Tinderbox in the arts and humanities. Some are in French with English subtitles, others in English with French subtitles; all are highly recommended.
Rechercher dans ses notes avec Tinderbox
Prendre des notes de lectures avec Tinderbox 6
Taking a note with Alfred and Tinderbox
Prendre des notes pour un article avec Tinderbox
Temporary notes with Tinderbox
Prendre une note de lecture avec Tinderbox
Notes de lectures avec Tinderbox
Steve Zeoli has crafted a series of introductory lessons for Tinderbox.
Mark Bernstein explores some elements of planning a book in Tinderbox. This tutorial is rough and elementary, and many other approaches are possible! (21 min)

Adornments: the mechanics of making and managing adornments to organize space in your Tinderbox maps. ( 2:20)

Maps: a look at varied applications of Tinderbox's spatial hypertext view, from brainstorming the ideal office layout to lecture presentations and research planning. ( 2:21) (link fixed)

Views: a survey of the varied perspectives Tinderbox provides for your notes. ( 2:19)

Outlines: using Tinderbox's outline view to organize and reorganize. ( 1:20)

Containers: a two-minute introduction to working in the Tinderbox outline view. ( 2:01)

Making a Note: a one-minute introduction to making notes in Tinderbox. ( 1:20)

At ReaderCon 17 (2006), Mark Bernstein joined novelist Sarah Smith and editor Kathryn Cramer to discuss Plotting With Tinderbox. This five-minute demonstration, distilled from the session, examines some ways to use Tinderbox to gather ideas and maintain continuity.
(click on image to view)
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