Several contributors wished to remain
anonymous, and we decided that granting anonymity and
continually assuring confidentiality would allow the contributors
to provide more honest and useful insights. |
As part of several ongoing initiatives to
ensure that Reclamation's decision processes met our mission
and our customer's needs, a small team was assigned to create
usable, flexible problem-solving guidance. This team produced:
- A hard copy, linear guidebook
- Several training applications:
- Two-hour overview of the decision process steps
- All day, indepth training on the steps
- Application courses for a team to apply the steps
to a current process
- Guide the guide courses for facilitators to work
with teams to apply steps
- This web version
This core team recruited a large group of contributors as
a support network. Contributors serve in a variety of functions:
- Managerial support and time
- Promoting the guidebook, suggesting additional areas
to cover, and providing the needed funds. Interviews:
- Giving insights and approaches in the decision process.
- Editorial and graphic help
- Formatting the hard copy and web into useful documents
- Reviews:
- Reviewing drafts, outlines, and illustrations.
- Application:
- Using the guide and suggesingt ways to update and improve
In the Bureau of Reclamation
We want to thank you all
for volunteering so much time to this effort.
We appreciate your sticking
with us throughout the years. |
Many people aren't mentioned here by
name, and we want to particularly thank all those who:
Took the training courses associated with this guide.
Contributed resources, good material, and references
(throughout the world and across the U.S.)
Read and commented on our guide
We have discovered so much more from you! |
Title (at the time of consultation)
Patty Alexander |
Editorial Assistant, Technical
Service Center (TSC) |
Alires Almon |
Facilitation, Management Services Organization
(MSO) |
Gary Baker |
Resource Manager, TSC
Mark E. Baker |
Assistant to Bureau of Indian
Affairs/Tribal Projects, Client Liaison, TSC
Bob Black |
Resource Manager, TSC
Susan Black |
Social Science Analyst,
Hans and Annamarie Blieker |
Citizen Participation |
Auzie Blevins |
Environmental Specialist,
Great Plains (GP) Region |
Charles Brown |
Visual Presentations, TSC
Curt Brown |
Policy Analyst, Program
Analysis Office (PAO) |
Jack Byers |
Special Assistant Regional
Director for Native American Affairs, GP Region
Charlie Calhoun |
Regional Director, Upper
Colorado (UC) Region |
Thayne Coulter |
Sociologist, TSC |
Shannon Cunniff |
Senior Issues Manager, Washington
Office |
Carol DeAngelis |
Grand Junction Area Manager,
Grand Junction Projects Office |
Sheila Dufford |
Wildlife Biologist, Dakotas
Area Office |
Dave Duncan |
Resources Management Coordinator
and Activity Manager Oregon Liaison, Pacific Northwest
(PN) Region |
Don Glaser |
Director, PAO |
Bruce Glenn |
Manager, Water, Land, and
Cultural Resources, PAO |
Eric Glover |
Resources Program Manager,
PN Region |
Robert Hamilton |
Resources Management Coordinator
and Activity Manager, PN Region |
Olof Hansen |
Biological Information Specialist,
Mid-Pacific (MP) Region |
Kent Higgins |
Management Control Coordinator,
Del Holz |
Planning Office, PAO |
Kathy House |
Technical Writer, TSC
Dale Imlay |
Director, Management Service
Office, Lower Colorado (LC) Region |
Ron Jensen |
Technical Writer, TSC
John Keys |
Regional Director, PN Region
Marsha Knott |
Visual Presentations, TSC
Larry Kysar |
Hydraulic Engineer, TSC
Jim LaBounty |
Manager, Ecological Research
and Investigations Group, TSC |
Deena Larsen |
Technical Writer, TSC
John Lease |
Leadership Team, TSC
Jane Ludwig |
Program Manager, Liaison
and Coordination, PN Region |
Steve Magnassun |
Sam Martin |
Engineering, TSC |
Barbara Massey |
Public Affairs, MP Region
Bob May |
Natural Resource Specialist,
South Central California Area Office |
Steve McCall |
Environmental Officer and
Environmental Protection Specialist, Grand Junction
Projects Office |
Ron McKown |
Area Office Manager, Lower
Columbia Area Office |
Jim Malila |
Director, Reclamation Service
Center |
Kris Mills |
Southern California Area
Office Studies Manager |
Joe Montgomery |
Social Science Analyst,
Gene Munson |
Water and Land Regulatory
Specialist, PAO |
Terry Opdyke |
Administrator, TSC |
Nick Palacios |
Austin Area Office |
Tom Phillips |
Senior Issues Manager, Washington
Office |
Jack Pong |
Deputy Director of Management
Service Office, LC Region |
Erin Quinn |
Assistant Resource Manager,
Tim Randle |
Hydraulic Engineer, TSC
David Redhorse |
Social Science Analyst,
Roberta Ries |
Resources Study Coordinator,
Upper Columbia Area Office |
Will Samuel |
Hydraulic Engineer, TSC
Eileen Salenik |
Resource Management Planner,
PN Region |
Kent Shuyler |
Resource Planning Advisor,
Margaret Sibley |
Director, Human Resources,
Administrative Service Center |
William Steele |
Senior Program Analyst,
Program Formulation Unit, Washington Office
Don Treasure |
Environmental Specialist,
Judy Troast |
Environmental Specialist,
PAO, Washington |
Tim Ulrich |
Southern California Area
Office Manager |
Mary Voita |
Technical Communications Group Manager,
Henk Wilms |
Bill White |
Visual Presentations, TSC
Dick Whitson |
Resource Planning Advisor,
We used several special commercial resources
for this book: |
Title and Agency (at the time of consultation)
Darrell Adams |
Adams Associates |
Chip Bell |
Planning and training consultant
Mark Bernstein |
Eastgate Systems |
Grant Brownrigg |
Grantland Enterprises
Nancy Chu |
Deputy Fisheries Associate
Manager, Technical Services, Fish and Wildlife
Service |
Chip Demerest |
Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance, San Francisco, California
Andreas Dieberger |
Visiting Researcher, Georgia
Institute of Technology |
Thomas Driscoll |
Senior Vice President, O'Brien
Krietzburg |
John Duff |
Training Officer, Environmental
Protection Agency, San Francisco, California
Leticia Fish |
Supervisory Personnel Management
Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency, San
Francisco, California |
Chris Gentry |
National Park Service
Sue Gunn |
Geologist, Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance, San Francisco, California
Esther Hill |
Environmental Protection
Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency, San
Francisco, California |
Stephanie Koeller |
Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance, San Francisco, California
Gary Lance |
AIDS Training Coordinator,
Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco,
California |
Kivi LeRoux-Duncan |
Environmental Protection
Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency, San
Francisco, California |
Barbara Lewis |
Public Involvement Manager,
Dames and Moore |
Lori Lewis |
Environmental Justice Coordinator,
Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco,
California |
Tony Lewis |
Environmental Protection
Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency, San
Francisco, California |
Linda Latta-Wobbie |
Environmental Protection
Specialist, Frances E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming
Sue Lawson-Gonzales
Public Involvement Specialist,
Utility Policy and Planning, RW Beck |
Wendy Murphy |
Mediation Process Advocate
Marilyn Null |
Assistant for Regulatory
Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air
Force (Environment, Safety and Occupational Health)
Department of Air Force
Environmental Protection Specialist, Office of Solid
Waste and Emergency Response, Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington Office |
Todd Peterson |
Public Involvement Specialist,
Battelle Research Center |
Audrey Perino |
Bonneville Power Administration
Mike Phillips |
Wolf Reintroduction Team,
Yellowstone National Park |
Jill Piatt |
Environmental Manager, Denver
International Airport |
Pat Port |
Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance, San Francisco, California.
Tracey Queripel |
Office of Environmental
Policy and Compliance, San Francisco, California
Judy Rocchio |
Air Quality Coordinator,
National Park Service, Pacific West Field Area
Fran Schultz |
Project Officer, Environmental
Protection Specialist, Environmental Protection
Agency, San Francisco, California |
Doug Smith |
Wolf Reintroduction Team,
Yellowstone National Park |
Becky Tudisco |
TQI Coordinator, Environmental
Protection Agency, San Francisco, California
Dick Veazey |
Manager of Airport Planning,
Denver International Airport |
John Wilkins-Wells |
Research Associate, CSU
Department of Sociology |
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