Step1 Identify Needs
![Decision Process Guide](graphics/banner.gif)
With the foundation prepared, identify needs and issues that
your process may address.
- To determine underlying "root" needs
- To ensure the study boundaries match the problem's
- To decide whether these needs are within the purview of
the process and Reclamation's role
- To identify groups associated with these issues
- To find a common ground allowing everyone to help solve
the problem
- To reduce conflicts by focusing
on actual needs
Needs by themselves do not specify a type of project
or resource management--there are many ways to meet these
Identifying the needs is an essential step in
decision analysis . as it helps define the problem you are
going to address and what conditions you are trying to change.
Clearly articulated needs help frame the range of potential solutions
and measure the conditions and impacts of no
action . Needs also help determine
the appropriateness of everyone's involvement.
What participants think is the problem
may not actually be the problem (e.g., you may think all you really
need is more filing cabinets--but once you get them you find you
actually needed a more effective method of managing your papers
and computer files. ) Rather than tilting at windmills, uncover
the underlying needs for a more accurate and realistic target.
Review the definition of the problem in your
action plan . To quantify needs within complex situations,
look at what values may be threatened. Ask
participants:) to list the benefits that derive from resources,
practices, and physical structures. Then try to categorize these
benefits (necessary, nice to have, unnecessary). This pinpoints
issues and concerns.
Review the Purpose
If a problem and
purpose statement has not been prepared, you'll need to write
one specificaly for your activity. If you have one, review it
to confirm that it is still relevant. (If you need to modify it,
explain your rationale to the decisionmakers and participants
and ensure that everyone approves the changes.) Make sure everyone
understands and consents to the purpose. (You may need to do some
educating and reformulating.) Keep a lookout
for additional, related problems and set processes
in motion to address those.
Clearly explain your purpose. For example:
![Avoid surprises](graphics/surprise.gif)
- Problem:
- People are becoming ill from pollutants in the water
- Need:
A safe drinking water supply
The level of scoping has probably
been limited to a few key contacts. Based on these early results,
it may be important to expand on these publics in a more formal
and wider scoping effort.
Lay Out Issues and Concerns
Preconceived definitions of the problem will invariably
miss the problem.
You will only get reasonable decisions when decisionmakers
, team members , and other participants
have identified and understood key issues.
Together, issues and concerns delineate the problems
that clamor to be addressed and drive your actions. Providing
opportunities now for participants to discuss these issues and
to agree on what will be addressed will help prevent hassles and
court fights later.
Listing and defining these issues and concerns will:
- Provide a context for the problem and solution.
- Promote participation in the decision process and commitment
to the solution. Participants will not commit to a solution
if they perceive that you have not listened to their concerns
or that the process tramples their values.
- Avoid surprises later.
- Conserve participants' resources by concentrating on relevant
issues and concerns.
Ask participants to brainstorm what they think the issues
really are. Doing this one-on-one and in small groups will help
provide some honest answers about underlying interests and needs.
Armed with this list, bring diverse groups together to examine
their issues in the light of the whole process and problemshed.
Gather participants to determine which issues are relevant
and significant to your process.
Illustrating issues with an influence diagram or issue map
will help show interrelationships, identify areas of influence,
and measure significance. Examine the context of the process and
what you are authorized to address to identify the significant,
relevant issues.
Categorize issues to get a picture of how things hook together.
This will make it easier to determine their significance and prioritize
them. Tools such as affinity grouping and issue maps help show
groups and relationships in new ways. Categories will change according
to your action, but some general categories may be:
- The process itself
- Supplying resources
- Demand for resources
- Safety
- Cost/economic
- Environmental
- Institutional/administrative
- Organizational
Paying attention to someone's issue (no matter how crazy)
is the best investment in credibility
you can make.
Form a priority stack for the issues
by determining which issues take precedence. Review your purpose
and authority to show what you can
and cannot address . Make sure that
everyone understands the rationale behind this determination.
Present your findings and recommendations on priority to the agreed-upon
decisionmaker and verify the order of your priority stack.
Define the Study Boundaries
Don't put any more effort into the study area detail
than you need to at this level. This is more detailed than
the foundation, but not yet a full-scale, minute assessment.
Understanding where the problem is operating is crucial to
understanding what needs the problem generates. If you can't address
the entire area, ensure that you address enough of the area to
effectively solve the problem where you want to solve it. The
"area of influence" or problemshed
is determined by both the source and the impacts of the problem.
This area may be administrative, economic, geographic, hydrologic,
social, biological, etc.
Describe the study boundaries and
develop graphic displays or base maps. These show what really
is and is not there, enhancing participants' understanding of
real needs and interrelationships. As you move through the process,
this definition of the problemshed will become more and more detailed.
Depending on the complexity of your study, you may need to:
- Ask other agencies about re.g., elevant actions and find
relevant reports
- Determine constraints (What are the water rights? Are there
any Indian Trust Assets? What are the relevant Federal, State,
and local laws?)
- Explore the physical locations of resources (e.g., maps
with overlays of distributions for people, species, and habitat
will provide a pretty good picture of the problemshed)
- Determine demands (e.g What are the existing and projected
uses for water--both kind and amount? What are existing and
potential land uses?)
- Review the history (e.g., What has been tried in the past?
What are the important interactions and interrelationships?)
Some of this information fits into other steps (e.g., resources
and constraints ). You may need to use decision
analysis to determine where this information fits in your
Trace Cause and Effect
Not identifying the underlying causes will lead to a superficial,
unsuccessful solution. Yet people start hollering about the effects
of a problem long before the actual cause shows up. Examine the
physical and institutional processes to debug the process and find the cause.
The cause itself may have several different sources in widely
scattered areas--trace geographically, socially, biologically,
and economically. Define the Needs Translate the issues, concerns,
causes, and interactions into needs. Specify and quantify what
would be needed to solve the problem, alleviate the threat (issue),
and restore (or add) values. Be as specific as possible. For example,
if the issue is discharge from old mine tailings in Settler's
Creek, needs might be a clean water supply for municipal, rural,
and agriculture use; wetlands; and clean flows for fish.
Determine the scope and magnitude of existing and projected
problems and needs by examining the issues and the problem. Quantify
these needs: How much water is needed for trout? At what time?
What water quality standards would need to be met?
Have team members communicate with their counterparts in other
organizations and Federal, State, and local agencies. Let counterparts
know what you have identified and ask if they can help identify
further relationships. This will more fully define the needs.
Tailor the following tools to the complexity and scope of
your study. They will each contribute important perspectives about
your study to help you identify real needs, the geographic area
related to those needs, and public support for your needs identification.
Common Ground
Common ground is probably the most powerful tool for agreeing
on what needs should be addressed. Once participants can agree
on something (no matter how trivial), you can expand from that.
Trouble Spots
A small number of causes contribute a large percentage of
the effects--usually a 20- to 80-percent
ratio. For example, concentrate on the two sources of selenium
that contribute 80 percent of the problem rather than addressing
all eight sources. Likewise, why spend 80 percent of your resources
on fixing the fish ladder if the fish ladder only contributes
to 20 percent of the problem? Mapping out these trouble spots
can help quantify contributions and define priorities.
Cause and Effect
Tools to track causes and effect help pinpoint crucial needs
to be addressed. Like pinpointing trouble spots, tracing what
causes what helps to identify common culprits (if we raise water
flows at Goliath Point, we will improve water quality in Trouble
Fork and Settler's Creek as well as provide a steady water supply
for Marble Springs). Some tools to help trace causes are:
- Fishbones
- Fishbone diagrams help trace causes and show connections
between actions.
- Frequency charts
- Knowing how often somethinghappens can help correlate causes
- Issue or Process Maps
- To show how parameters and issues affect each other, identify
and chart needs on a map. This can be a map of a geographical
area or a linear process. Maps can be highly stylized spatial
accuracy is not required for this overview. Showing needs on
a map can highlight relationships, focus efforts, and foster
a wider understanding of the problemshed.
- Geographic Information System
- Overlaying areas can help show relationships (e.g., water
quality areas with soci0-economic factors or education levels)
- Scatter diagram and
assumption scatter diagram
- Finding where things occur (geographically or in a process)
helps track their causes.
Document all perceptions
of needs to help participants see their part in the process.
Provide, share, and receive information. Make sure that people
who are relevant to the process become involved in the process:
decisionmakers, interested and affected publics, and other Reclamation
employees. Newsletters, updates, open meetings,
informal chats, and interviews help keep everyone connected.
Two-way education and communication at this juncture is critical
to promote participation and to identify interrelationships among
resources and needs. The core team
and people "in the know" need to educate potential participants
about the concerns and issues. Outline the purpose of the program
and what you can and can't do. Do a little bit of groundwork to
see that participants understand the basic interactions involved
(ecosystems, physical resources, etc.)
In turn, ask participants about issues, causes, and interrelationships.
It may take a lot of patience and perseverance to get people to
contribute their ideas and perspectives but this early input will
pay off well later in the process. The people in the area may
not know there is a problem, may not see it as relevant, may not
care. Explain matters from their viewpoints.
Some communication tools include:
Affinity Grouping
Affinity grouping is a
group brainstorming method that helps generate, then organize
ideas or concerns that are numerous, complex, or not easily organized.
This tool works best with a small group.
Clearly define the topic in terms of needs and issues (for
example, water supply needs in the Crystal River Basin).
Pass out yellow stickies and ask participants to write down
one idea per sticky. Then post the ideas on a board and have people
group ideas to show common elements. If you notice a sticky gets
moved back and forth a lot, duplicate the idea so you can place
it in more than one category. Then develop specific descriptions
of the issue or problem for each category. For example, a category
consisting of: "approvals take too long," "signature process is
90 days," "No one sees reviews," and "too many reviews" might
be described as "Review and signature process needs to be shortened
and more effective."
Often, participants will use this opportunity to vent frustrations,
long-stanmding problems, and explore all the problems in the area
(whether or not your action can do anything about it). It is useful
to schedule a break (either a short 15 minutes or a longer few
days, depending on the number of participants and the complexity
of the project) and use a facilitator to determine the significance
and relevance of the issues. The facilitator can use
decision analysis to recap what the affinity grouping exercise
showed. This will help air out problems, find connections, and
concentrate on what can be done.
Look Forward
Agreeing on the needs and purpose
(next step) now will help clearly identify what the process will
do and where itis going. With this, you can measure success
(Did we meet the needs?) and focus on solving the delineated problem.
Needs will continue to pop up throughout the process, and
your focus may change. However, you can handle changes with this
firm foundation.
Go/No Go
Being willing to say there is no need when you determine that
needs don't exist will save time, money, and resources and will
add to your credibility. Summarize the work to date in a concluding
report and stop the project .
Review what you have gathered so far to make sure you haven't
overlooked anything vital. Ask:
- Have the concerns of the team been identified?
- Have the affected publics been identified?
- Have the known concerns, problems, or issues been categorized
and prioritized?
- Are associated national interests identified?
- Analyze the needs assessment to answer the following questions:
- Are the needs worth addressing?
- Are these needs within Reclamation's purview and the
scope of our mission?
- Have we ensured that Reclamation is not competing with
private industry?
- Have we built a foundation of trust that will lead
to future cooperation among the various stakeholders
- Is there enough support from the public and participants
to continue?
A negative response indicates that either you need to end
the study here or change your participation. If some needs are
not within Reclamation's purview, you may want to suggest limiting
our activities. Or if the foundation of trust does not exist,
you may want to stop actions and go back to build
that foundation .
Get a decision from the agreed-upon decisionmaker(s) whether
to proceed, stop, or change course.
Documenting what you have uncovered (in a fact sheet, brochure,
or update to the action plan) will ensure that everyone understands
the interactions, needs, and study boundaries.
Definitions may differ! Don't assume that one way of defining
the need is the way everyone will define it. Clearly communicate
these definitions and agree on how the study will define needs.
Use this documentation as a touchstone for existing and new participants.
Ensure that no one's issue is overlooked (people understand
how the issue will be addressed or the reasons behind not addressing
the issue). New players can then more easily decide if the process
was valid and if they should support the solution even though
it may be too late to address their particular needs.
Provide management, affected publics, or other interested
parties with appropriate documentation that describes the effort,
the contributions, the conclusions, and the justification for
proceeding to the next step.
Go On
Executive Summary
and Process Tours:
Before Starting <------>