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Discussion Groups

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How to join in

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Right now,until I figure out forms and protocols, this is a mentored group. Please send me your comments and I will put them up. I'd like to organize these into categories which correspond with the tours. Deena

You can also contact all of the team members directly:

Del Holz 303-445-2703

Thayne Coulter 303-445-2706

Deena Larsen 303-445-2584

Our snail mail address is:

Decision Guidebook Team, Reclamation
Denver Federal Center D-8580
Denver Colorado 80225-0007 USA


navigate in the page--Helpful Hints

How to succeed? What gets you through?


navigate in the page--Handymen

How to do the job? What tools have you found?


navigate in the page--Dragon

What to watch out for. What trouble spots have you run into--and how did you handle it? Ask others for advice.


navigate in the page--Process

How have you applied various decision processes? What worked?


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Note: These files were developed and were originally hosted at the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior.
Eastgate is hosting this as an archive. Contact Deena Larsen for further information.