Daring Fireball
★ Tinderbox lets your ideas come alive and talk back to you. It's an outliner — but each section can keep itself sorted exactly the way you want it. It's an information map — but one that can manage thousands of active notes that can help organize themselves.
★ You write a note about a new software announcement. It doesn't need to just sit there. It might, say: "I'm a Web service, so I'm green. I've just been added, so put me at the top of the services list. And I've just gone into beta, so I have a special shape, a red border, and I belong in the Test List. Since I haven't been mentioned there, I should be in the next email newsletter."
★ Tinderbox plays well with other tools with superb export to HTML, XML, and more. This page came from Tinderbox. You can give Tinderbox documents their own email address and send them email from your iPhone. Your Tinderbox documents can Twitter.
★ Download the free demo. Take a look at the many new features, the screencasts, the applications that range from art education to sociology, from chemistry and writing to forensic psychiatry.
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Special for Daring Fireballers: $194— save $35

Family pack — licenses for up to five people living in the same household. $235— save $50
Tinderbox Way

The Tinderbox Way by Mark Bernstein. 240 pages hardcover. (learn more) $41.95 — save $8

Attend WikiSym, the ACM Intl. Conference on Wikis. September 8-10, 2008 in Porto, Portugal.
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