A flea-market find turns out to hold the key to the past.

Time Travelling Toaster Oven

Andrew Breitbart claims he feels "bad" and "sorry" for what "the media" has put Shirley Sherrod through: "Watching how they've misconstrued, how the media has misconstrued the intention behind this, I do feel a sympathy for her plight."

Andrew Breitbart claims he feels "bad" and "sorry" for what "the media" has put Shirley Sherrod through: "Watching how they've misconstrued, how the media has misconstrued the intention behind this, I do feel a sympathy for her plight."

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Suspendisse vitae sapien volutpat nunc tincidunt elementum. Maecenas porta faucibus libero. Nullam ut dui sit amet nunc suscipit pulvinar. Morbi ornare bibendum sem. Suspendisse eros pede, varius vel, rhoncus at, posuere quis, nunc. Morbi tristique. Proin rhoncus, pede quis pretium fermentum, dolor nisi imperdiet massa, ac tincidunt ante arcu ac libero. Vestibulum commodo, dui ac lobortis aliquet, diam dolor tincidunt diam, a sollicitudin purus velit non nulla. Cras magna erat, vestibulum quis, suscipit sed, congue quis, felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean ligula justo, aliquet eu, mollis in, mollis sit amet, velit. Fusce tristique accumsan urna. Nulla facilisi. Fusce euismod interdum erat. Pellentesque dapibus diam ac justo. Quisque cursus elementum odio. Donec ut massa. Integer semper lectus pharetra dui. Aenean tellus. Curabitur adipiscing, ligula quis pellentesque mollis, ligula pede iaculis elit, a rhoncus diam ligula sed augue.


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