
Tinderbox 9.1

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Tinderbox 9.1



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Tinderbox 9.2: Infrastructure and More

For Tinderbox 9.2, we’ve been hard at work improving Tinderbox internals, making them faster and more reliable — especially on Apple Silicon. Improvements to maps, attribute browser, actions, and lots more: see Tinderbox Help for all the details.

Tinderbox 9.1: The Actions Update

One of Tinderbox’s most distinctive features is that your Tinderbox documents don’t just sit there: they can actively help you keep your notes clean and organized. For example, actions might:

Most actions are very simple. For example, $Color="green" turns a note green, and if($Overdue){ $BorderColor="red"; } gives a note a red border if it's overdue. Actions are just one facet of Tinderbox; some projects don’t need them at all!

Tinderbox 9.2 represents the most important advance in Tinderbox actions in 20 years. We’ve worked hard to make easy things simple — and to make hard things as easy as they can be.

String Processing

Sometimes, you want to extract information from a note’s text. For example, some notes might contain “hashtags” like #important or #Dickens. You might want to build a list of each note’s hash tags. A family of new string-processing tools make it easy to .extract common patterns, to .skipTo landmarks in your note, and to .capture essential data in your note’s attributes.


If that sounds a bit adventurous to you, don’t worry: the Tinderbox community offers a forum, weekly meetups, and lots of support. Not sure how to approach a problem? Ask: you’re bound to get fascinating answers.


Tinderbox can automatically gather information from other tools and from web services. Often, the most convenient interchange format is XML. Tinderbox actions can now parse XML and JSON, letting you extract precisely the information you need.

Create Links

Actions can create links between any notes — even between notes that the action has just created!


Tinderbox now lets you create functions — actions that you define. There’s even a special container, the Library, whose notes contain functions your whole document can share. Adding new functionality is as simple as pasting a note.


Tinderbox stamps are actions that you can apply whenever you like, to any notes you select. In Tinderbox 9.1, stamps also get their own special container, in which each note defines a stamp. Sharing stamps is easier and more pleasant than ever before.

And Lots More

Tinderbox 9.1 has a new Get Info pane, notable improvements in map view and tabs, better code editing, smarter natural language AI, nicer Markdown support, and lots more. Tinderbox is fast on all modern Macintosh computers, and screams on Apple silicon. See the release notes in Tinderbox Help for all the details

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