Conflict can occur any time two
people whose views differ get together. This means that conflict
is a natural part of human relations. |
Advantages of Conflict:
Manage conflict, don't eliminate it.
- Perspective
- You can learn more about the problem and needs,
develop more comprehensive solutions,
and create more options.
- People
- You may work with people you would otherwise never meet.
- Creativity
- Participants can be more motivated to find creative solutions
and think outside of the box of limitations.
- Change
- Conflict can force a process to expand a solution to
cover new problems and changes.
- Support
- You can get more support for a workable solution by working
out difficulties now.
Disadvantages of Conflict
- Apathy
- People may not care to work with the other perspectives,
preferring to bow out.
- Abandonment
- People may tend to give up on a process if they feel
it can't be solved.
- Confusion
- Differing opinons about data and analysis may cloud issues
and comparisons between alternatives.
- Stress and frustration
- Confrontations may get personal or escalate. It is never
fun to be the object of someone else's dislike.
Feelings are just as real as facts.
Conflict will happen--and
you want it to happen. People will do many things that subvert
a process and ultimate solution just to avoid conflict:
- Poor solutions
- People may go along with a poorly thought out idea
- Lack of support
- People may not participate
- Limited perspectives
- People may not suggest ideas, raise issues or concerns,
or discuss evaluation techniques
- Multiply myth-truths
Make pleasing statements to smooth over any issues--thus
digging traps for decisionmakers and participants that create
more issues. |
Managing Conflict
Ignoring conflict isn't very realistic. Problems
will not go away by themselves. Rather:
- Open communication lines
- Make sure everyone has a voice in the process.
- Establish ground rules
- These rules establish guidelines for communicating and
addressing the problem. Create objective criteria
that applies to and is independant from both sides. Ensure
the process is on the lines of "one cuts and the other chooses"
to avoid future misunderstandings. Ground rules help manage
the situation--you can point to a ground rule rather than
a person when someone gets off track.
- Listen
- Understand, acknowledge, and respond to messages being
sent. Verify assumptions to avoid mythconceptions
- Diffuse tension and emotions
- Monitor and control emotions--they won't help solve the
problem. Too quick or emotional statements will escalate tensions
and feed the conflict. Experiment with methods to calm your
own emotions (breathing control, re-living a calming moment,
rubbing the webbing between thumb and forefinger, etc.) Practice
in front of a mirror so your methods are unobtrusive.
- Set the stage
Physical arrangements can send subliminal messages (e.g.,
a row of chairs facing a speaker creates a lecture atmosphere--with
one source of right answers, a round table creates a relatively
equal status. Smaller spaces can escalate conflicts--consider
moving out of doors or into a larger area. |
Solving Conflict
Managing conflict so it doesn't escalate creates
a space to resolve the conflicts. This will help participants
focus on solving the original problem.
To resolve conflicts:
- Diagnose the disagreements
- Determine what the root of the conflict is, the positions
each participant has taken, and the personalities and values
of the various participants. This will help see the conflict
objectively. Ask:
- How did the conflict develop?
- Who is involved? Why?
- What policies
, values , and objectives are challenged?
- What rights to participants claim?
- Who wants what? What are participants' perspectives
on the original problem?
- Collect information
- This will verify the initial analysis. Analyzng and interpreting
the information as a group can help participants see other
perspectives and find some common ground. Ask neutral questions
to forestall interruptions, posturing, and to find the real
- Reinforce existing agreements
- If people have agreed on ground rules and made other
prior commitments, revirew and reinforce those. This calls
attention to all the positive work so far and provides a context
for solving points of contention.
- Negotiate disagreements
- Often, people want to begin with negotiation. However,
everyone needs to understand the facts and feelings that prompted
the conflict in the first place. Review what has happened
so far to focus on the actual agreements and disagreements.
List issues and important disagreements for all to see. Have
each person rank these in order of importance--then rank them
as a group. Address the smallest first and work toward the
greatest so that you can build on previous successes.
For each disagreement:
- Address issues and need
- Separate the people from the problem. Determine what
the needs are to reach mutually beneficial solutions.
- Invent options
- Creatively come up with options that will address as
many of the identified needs and satisfy as many of the interests
as possible.
- Solidify agreements
- Confirm and document the agreed on solutions and identify
who will do what when. Review the list of disagreements and
confirm the agreed-upon solution. Ensure all participants
get a copy of the document. Review proposed actions carefully
to check the accuracy of perceptions and to ferret out unwarranted
assumptions. Give people time to think and suggest additional
changes--it is better to discuss a small misunderstanding
now rather than a large one later.
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