Getting Success |
We can't promise a magical recipe for success,
but we can provide some of the key ingredients. It may be impossible
to include every ingredient in a given process; but keep in
mind that the fewer ingredients listed below, the lower your
chances of success.
Fair, Open, and Honest Process.
You may need to change the status quo
or the current mindset before you can solve the problem.
- If participants see the process
is fair, open, and honest, the solution will more likely survive
challenges and get commitment. An open process considers,
respects. and makes known the concerns and agendas
of all participants. A fair process ensures that everyone
has an equal opportunity to be involved. An honest process
avoids pre-formed decisions and acknowledges the political
as well as the technical influences.
A quick band-aid will not satisfy long-term
needs. |
Put your money in your mouth--communicate.
Get information from people who already have it--Include and
inform people to avoid surprises:
- Decisionmakers
- Implementors
- Supporters
- Vetoers
Keep in touch early and often. |
Participation |
Without a voice in the process, communities will probably not accept
or support the solution. This will lead to apathy or resentment
so that, at best, the solution is neglected. At worst, it is
sabotaged. After the community has helped provide a solution,
local participants will probably help support that solution
and adapt it to meet future needs. Local involvement may also
provide more insights into the underlying needs, find out what
requires consideration, avoid unnecessary analysis, and create
more options. |
Consent |
While consensus is great, sometimes consenting (agreeing not to fight)
is all you can do and is enough for a workable solution. Build
consent by ensuring that everyone can live with the solution
and no one will bitterly oppose it. This crucial ingredient
will involve negotiating, listening, and making tradeoffs. Often, people will agree
to a solution they don't like if it has been arrived at fairly.
Flexibility |
Be willing to change as the study progresses;
otherwise, someone else will change things for you. The process
needs to consciously provide for needs, objectives, participants,
and data which will evolve as you move toward a solution.
Keep current and check back regularly.
Process Guidance |
Someone at the helm is needed to guide the
process. Some tips for keeping on track include:
And let everyone know your decision
A Workable Solution. |
Focus on solving the problem, and cure the
cause rather than the symptoms. Analyze what will work to meet
the needs--and test your assumptions before you trust your weight
to them. Make sure the community continues to use the solution
to meet the need after you are gone. Defining a reasonable length
of time for the solution to function and planning for future
operations is essential to measuring the solution's success.
Physical elements require people to maintain and operate facilities.
Institutional elements require organizations, partnerships,
or other groups willing to continue the solution and to ensure
that it still meets the needs. Building flexibility into the
solution will allow it to be adapted to meet changing future
needs. Innovative, creative solutions can address needs and
get around constraints.
Documentation |
Document the process and solution so that
you can:
- Quickly see who decided what
- Build on the analyses and solution when the needs change
- Clearly record commitments made by all participants
- Answer challenges to the process
- Accumulate a track record that builds credibility and
points the way to future successes
- Apply the lessons gained from the process elsewhere
Go On |
Hints Tour Defining Success --------->
Handling Success |