How To Use It
It also helps if you can laugh at yourself
as well as your situation. Wearing a clown nose or a rainbow
wig can do wonders for your image. (It has been done.)
Humor can diffuse difficult situations and
lighten a serious atmosphere. Participants
may become so wrapped up in their position that they forget
to listen to others or find it impossible
to negotiate or make necessary tradeoffs .
Laughing at some aspect of the process provides a fresh
perspective. Humor also lets everyone relax enough to uncover
creative solutions and form bases
for agreement.
You can find something comical in almost any situation.
You may want to clip an apt comic strip; brainstorm a team name
or mascot; or redesign popular commercials, lyrics, or TV shows
to fit your process.
Use humor to add a little life to the process, not to offend
or tear down. If there is a chance someone will take it the
wrong way, find another way of being humorous.