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Dividing the Labor

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What To Do

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Use some round tuits* and other little tidbits to lighten the load and atmosphere.

Work flows to those who get it done.

The key to getting the work done is taking responsibility. Look at a person's skill, position in a group, track record, and reputation. Work with people's strengths to get the best product possible. When divvying up labor, you may find that the hydrologist has a rapport with the county from a previous action and can get the water quality sampling done more efficiently.

Look at the technical skill available (e.g, Reclamation hydrologist, water quality specialist). Break out the tasks of data gathering, analysis, and acceptance. For example, a city county health department could gather water samples, the state laboratory could analyze them, the EPA could certify the analysis. On a small team it is not unusual for all of these roles to be filled by a single person, but they must be carefully selected and motivated.

Establish ground rules so everyone understands what is going on. Review progress and work regularly. Watch for changes in team leaders and members. You may need to initiate change if something is not working well.


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Note: These files were developed and were originally hosted at the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior.
Eastgate is hosting this as an archive. Contact Deena Larsen for further information.