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Every person you deal with is your customer in some way. Participants rely on each other for data, review, and ideas. The team's ultimate objective is to find a solution to a problem; thus the public are the team's customers. By concentrating on providing both internal and external customers with effective service, you can smooth opposition, work more effectively, and solve more problems.


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Customer service is treating customers in a way designed to make them repeat customers. See Reclamation's Annual Customer Service Report.

Look at how you work with people--what would change if that person or participant were a customer your "business" depended on?

  • Complaints.-- Welcoming complaints will help forestall fatal flaws. Make processing a complaint (both lodging and answering) easy. Deal with everyone in the same manner. Focus on solving the complaint rather than assigning or sidestepping blame.


  • Service.--By focusing on what the customer needs, you will avoid unnecessary actions.



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Note: These files were developed and were originally hosted at the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior.
Eastgate is hosting this as an archive. Contact Deena Larsen for further information.