Many people use Storyspace to design their web sites. Storyspace is a superb tool for planning large and complex sites -- especially when you care about
getting link structure and navigation exactly right!
If you use Storyspace to plan your site, wear the Made With Storyspace badge!
Made With Storyspace
Sites designed, developed, or maintained using Storyspace.
Collaborative and Interactive Cybermedia
John. J. Runnion, Jr.
Oliver Hockenhull
Sir Walter Scott
Andrew Monnickendam
Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona
Singin' in the Rain: A Hypertextual Reading
film criticism
Adrian Miles
Modular Hypertext Structure
essay and excersize
Nick Traenker
Kent State
Metaphor: from Plato to the Postmodernists
hypertext essay
Erica Jean Seidel
Brown (now at Sony)
Picket Fences
hypertext essay
Emma Quayle
The Sturnfillips
Seth Aaron Berkowitz
(0,0) editions
critical essay
Ted Purves
Mother Millenia
Carolyn Guyer
Mother Millenia
Click Here
hypertext essay
Nick Traenker
Kent State University
Decision Process Guidebook
US Bureau of Reclamation
Mark Amerika
Breeze and Ma Jolie
David Schwartz
Brown University
Quiet Insanity Productions
literary magazine
Matthew Hanlon
Vassar College
Orbital Hypervideo Storyboard
John Tolva
Georgia Tech
Hypertext Poetry and Fiction
collaborative fiction
Lawrence J. Clark
Tomball College
Bill Bly's Home Page
home page
Bill Bly
New York University
Hypertext Narrative Workshop
course readings
Noah Pivnick
Irish Hypertext Narrative Workshop
Laws and Regulations
Kent Higgins
Bureau of Reclamation
Darren Cambridge
home page
Darren Cambridge
University of Texas
Larry Clark
Tomball College
Postmodernism and Professional Communications
hypertext essay
Johndan Johnson-Eilola
Purdue University
E R R O R 4 0 4
collaborative writing
Johndan Johnson-Eilola
Purdue University
Carolyn Guyer
home page
Carolyn Guyer
hypertext essay
Nancy Kaplan
University of Baltimore
Socrates Apology
David Kolb
David Kolb
home page
David Kolb
Bates College
Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory
hypertext essay
George P. Landow
Brown University
The Victorian Web
course readings
George P. Landow
Brown University
George P. Landow
home page
George P. Landow
Brown University
History of Hypertext at Brown
hypertext essay
George P. Landow
Brown University
Writing For The Web
Thom Lieb
Towson State University
2River Poetry
Richard Long
Daemen College
Communications and Theater Arts
home page
Hugh McCarney
Western Connecticut State University
Chris Marker
Adrian Miles
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
North Carolina and the Battle for Business
political science
David Eddy Spicer
Harvard University
Campaign '96: Third Party Time?
political science
David Eddy Spicer
Harvard University
Peg Syverson
home page
Peg Syverson
University of Texas
On Line Record
Peg Syverson
University of Texas
If you use Storyspace to design, create, or maintain a web site, let us (and everyone!) know. Here's how!
If you use Storyspace to design or maintain part of your web site, we'd
love you to know.
In fact, we'd be very grateful indeed if you'd add one of our "Made with Storyspace" badges to your web site. We'll add your site to our growing list
of hypertext resources. We've even been known to send nice presents.
The Details
- Please don't alter or modify the badge. (But, if you'd like to
make a different or better badge, send us a copy of what you have in
mind; perhaps we can adopt it officially)
- Every time the badge appears, it should be linked to Eastgate's Home Page: .
The Artwork
- The artwork may only be used in and displayed by an HTML page
accessible via the World Wide Web. You may not use the artwork in
printed literature, software, or any other material. (If you wish to do
so, please contact us directly.)
- You grant Eastgate Systems, Inc. the right to list the name of your
company (or your name, if you are an individual) in a list of Web sites,
displayed at Eastgate's Web site.