the Players |
- To get participants and decisonmakers on board
- To begin working with cooperators, partners, interested
parties, and the public
- To assemble a core team
Assembling a core team early will help
reserve internal resources for your activity when you
need them. |
External players help:
- Acquire perspectives and insights
- Gain resources
- Build an open process to promote credibility
- Avoid conflicts later
The core team can also help identify other experts that
may be needed and will help coordinate interdisciplinary activities.
Work through the network of
participants already identified and involved to broaden
your base of contacts--they will know what community participants,
political leaders, potential partners,
and technical experts need to be contacted. |
the Players
Don't raise expectations unduly now.
People might expect immediate action and quit in disgust
when nothing happens for a long time. (like, one month)
Think about key players and opinion makers
in the following groups:
- Within Reclamation (Who has the expertise?)
- Cooperating partners (Who can help?)
- Other Federal agencies (Who is mandated to help?)
- State and local governments (Who has jurisdiction?)
- Organizations (Who has an interest?)
- Individuals (Who has expressed interest?)
- Community (How can you reach others in the community?)
- Water districts, utilities, etc. (How do they perceive
the issues?)
- Local associations (What are their interests?)
- Consultants (What other help will you need?)
a Core Team
Keep track of who is coming
and going. |
The core team consists of technical experts and decisionmakers.
You may have people from cooperating agencies and partners on
the team. This team will do most of the analysis and evaluation.
The core team will probably change as the process evolves. To
make an initial cut, talk with many experts who can help determine
what analyses and skills will be needed. Based on this, estimate
the level of participation for various
groups and times.
Interrelationships |
Consider and define the interrelationships of staffs
involved--particularly if they are coming from different sources
(e.g., partners, Area Offices, Technical
Service Center, Washington, and contractors). Meeting with counterparts
in different agencies would be very helpful.
At times, participants don't understand the value or
place of other contributions. Sometimes, they consider their
own area exclusively. It is important to show everyone the larger
picture so that participants can interact with others and contribute
to the whole effort.
Mandated Participants
Some publics have a mandate to be involved (e.g., if
Indian Trust Assets might be involved, contact the affected
Native Americans; if endangered species might be involved, contact
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries
If participants can get beyond their narrow
expertise, they can offer a great deal to others. For example,
a fisheries biologist can offer insightful ideas on hydrologic
models from a different perspective.
Interacting with
Methods of interaction vary. Holding meetings,
conference calls, setting up electronic bulletin boards are
only a few of the possible methods at this introductory stage.
Get back with participants on a regular basis--ask how they
want to interact with the process (e.g., How much information
do they want to receive, when, and in what format? How do they
want to be involved?).
Communicating informally will
help set reasonable expectations now.
the Decisionmakers |
Make a broad, preparatory determination of
what decisions will be needed and at what stage of the process.
Then meet with the participants to hammer out which decisions
will be made when, how they'll be made, and which decisionmakers
will have the authority to make them. If participants can agree
on who will make the ultimate decision that solves the problem,
they are much more likely to support the solution. Decisionmakers
will probably be both internal and external, and they will vary
with the actions and participants involved. Communicate and
confirm this preliminary identification with the decisionmakers.
These decision points will be refined throughout the process.
Make sure decisionmakers support the action or the process
will die here. Keep managers informed and seek their advice
on what resources are needed and how to proceed at key junctures.
Go On