How Do I Use It?
The basic diagram looks like a fish skeleton,
with a main idea forming the backbone and connecting ideas
forming the smaller bones. |
- Write the problem on the right side of a flip chart. Draw
a large arrow that points toward the problem.
- Draw arrows indicating the main types of causes or contributing
factors and point the arrows toward the central arrow.
- Brainstorm for specific causes. Attach each specific cause
to an appropriate main cause.
- Break down the causes further by brainstorming for subcauses.
Draw different fishbones for different types of analyses.
- Cause/effect.--Several causes
probably contribute to one effect. To list and analyze these
causes, draw an arrow to the effect. Use this backbone to branch
off into major causes. For each cause, ask "Why does this happen?"
and "What influences this result?" These answers will provide
smaller bones on the major causes for further detail.
- Inertia analysis.--Most situations rest at an equilibrium--forces
for change are evenly matched by forces against that change.
To analyze this, describe the desired situation and the current
state. Then use a fishbone diagram to show all the forces for
and against change on either side of the main line. Make the
lines thicker, brighter, or longer to show the relative strengths
of these forces. Once these are laid out, you can see which
forces would be easier to adjust to make the current state closer
to the desired one. Pay attention to what you can do--not to
the assumed solution(s).