Eastgate Systems      Serious Hypertext

Tinderbox 3.5

Fifty-five improvements make bring new opportunities for power users and make Tinderbox even easier and more exciting for newcomers. Upgrades are free if you purchased Tinderbox within the past year. If you own any version of Tinderbox, you can get Tinderbox 3.5 today and receive a full year of free upgrades for just $90.

Separators help organize lists and outlines. They're not just ornaments: separators are full-fledged notes that can have prototypes and use rules.

Named separators give your outlines even more flexibility

Font size in outlines and maps are independently adjustable. Especially powerful in combination with agents and rules, which can set size and color from content and context.

Similar notes palette instantly shows you the notes most similar to the note you're reading. Opening and linking related notes is a snap.

Common Words view shows you the most frequently-used terms in your note, section, and in the entire document.

#word(term) agent query lets you search for key terms appearing in text or user attributes. Because this query uses the link apprentice index, agents using it are remarkably fast.

HTML export of ^cloud, ^sectionCloud, and ^documentCloud lets you easily share up-to-the-minute Common Words results. Sets up in seconds, infinitely adaptable, Web standards compliant.

Text sidebar puts information at your fingertips and slides out of the way when you don't need it. Set prototypes, check attributes, view files and browse right from the text window.

Tabbed Attributes browser is built into the new text sidebar and the Get Info window. Drag and drop attributes to make them key attributes!

New sorting options for containers and agents give you case-sensitive, case-insensitive, and last-name sorting

Font panel in MacOS X 10.2 and later for easier style changes

Services help share data with other Macintosh applications

Better integration with browsers let you drag and drop URLs more gracefully than ever, keeping their titles and URL links.

For details on all the improvements, simply download the Tinderbox demonstration and check the release notes.

Tinderbox: the tool for notes

Download Tinderbox now!

"A fantastic tool for interoffice brainstorming, meeting note-taking, or just sitting down to think by yourself" -- Sean Carton, clickZ

Tinderbox 3.5.4 for Macintosh (what's new?). $192

You can always remove it later.

Tinderbox comes with a full year of free updates! When you upgrade, you get the latest version -- and an additional year of free updates! (more info)
Tinderbox Upgrade. $90

You can always remove it later.

Flint Weblog Assistant for Tinderbox $19.95

You can always remove it later.

"The Weblog Wonder" -- MacWorld (4.5 mice)

"A truly elegant thinking environment" -- David Fultz

"The software I feel like I've been waiting 15 years to have" -- Doug Miller, CTO, iRobotics

The most useful piece of software I have on my PowerBook. -- Rob McNair-Huff, editor, Mac Net Journal

See Tinderbox In Action

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Getting started

Tinderbox Web log

Dear Tinderbox...

Things you can do

Why "Tinderbox"?

Who designed Tinderbox?

For making notes

Sorting things out

FAQ: making notes

For weblogs

FAQ: weblogs

Pages from parts

weblogs and dates

Mastering Tinderbox

understanding attributes

export templates

User Stories

- Information Architecture

- Tinderbox in Meetings

- Visual Brainstorming


Custom training

site licenses

10-users and up


Tinderbox Wiki

Development Peekhole

Tinderbox Public File Exchange


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Tinderbox Public File Exchange

Tinderbox news

"Amazing...clever and elegant."The Guardian

"Offers innovation driven companies a unique new way to both manipulate and manage ideas visually" -- Robert Ouellette, Boxes and Arrows


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