Why "Tinderbox"?
A tinderbox is a box where you store kindling -- combustible material for lighting your fire.
Tinderbox is a place to store your notes, thoughts and ideas. Tinderbox keeps them handy and makes sure you can find your ideas when you need them.
During its development, Tinderbox was known as Project Ceres, named for the Roman goddess of the harvest.
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"A fantastic tool for interoffice brainstorming, meeting note-taking, or just sitting down to think by yourself" -- Sean Carton, clickZ
"The Weblog Wonder" -- MacWorld (4.5 mice)
"A truly elegant thinking environment" -- David Fultz
"The software I feel like I've been waiting 15 years to have" -- Doug Miller, CTO, iRobotics
The most useful piece of software I have on my PowerBook. -- Rob McNair-Huff, editor, Mac Net Journal
See Tinderbox In Action
Getting started
For making notes
For weblogs
Mastering Tinderbox
User Stories
site licenses
Tinderbox Public File Exchange
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"Amazing...clever and elegant." — The Guardian
"Offers innovation driven companies a unique new way to both manipulate and manage ideas visually" -- Robert Ouellette, Boxes and Arrows
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